Using the ALP Run-time library
The ALP Run-time library is nothing else but a set of COM objects your ASP
pages can create and use through the standard ASP object creation facilities.
They are just always available with ALP and you can count on their existence
without additional efforts to gather re-distribution files, add new entries to
the setup configuration, deal with OS compatibility issues and so on. These
components are tested on all the platforms supported by ALP and they have
minimal requirements. In fact they are even developed ahead of the ALP versions
in order to allow us perform more testing (for example the ALP Run-time library
is already available on Windows CE while ALP for CE is under development).
The previous chapter has shown in fact a little library usage - SQLite COM
database. We will take a quick look at some other interesting features in this
page. You can find more illustrations in the ALP samples and on the newObjects
ActiveX Pack1 page. The ALP Run-time library is available also separately
without ALP under the name newObjects ActiveX Pack1 family. This allows you
transfer the library features to other environments. The samples shown on the
newObjects ActiveX Pack1 family pages are mostly non-ALP samples, but they use
the same objects you can use in ALP and the differences with the ALP use are
Storages and Files - using the file access components.
Most of the ASP programmers associate the file access with the
Scripting.FileSystemObject. There are many other components providing similar or
even extended features. The ALP Run-time library contains several objects that
cover its functionality and even much more. The general file access related
objects in the library are:
SFMain - plays a role much similar to the FileSystemObject.
SFStream - provides text and binary access to streams and files.
SFStorage - provides access to storages and directories.
SFFileStream and SFDirStorage - implement low level stream and
respectively storage interfaces to files and directories
SFFilter - implements low level binary access to streams and files
SFRecord and SFField - implement record based access over
streams through a SFFilter object.
There are also some helper objects that hold file and storage information
details etc.
In the most cases the ASP pages create directly only the SFMain object and
they receive the other objects as a result of member calls. Lets take a look at
a small piece of code that opens a text file and reads it line by line:
Set sf = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFMain")
Set file = sf.OpenFile(Server.MapPath("test.txt"),&H40)
lineNum = 1
While NOT file.EOS
line = file.ReadText(-1) ' this is equivalent to the ReadLine method in FSO
<%= lineNum %>: <B><%= Server.HTMLEncode(line) %></B><BR>
lineNum = lineNum + 1
The SFMain.OpenFile method used in this code opens the test.txt file
specified for reading only and returns an initialized SFStream object
which is saved in the file variable by this example code. Internally the
OpenFile method will do more than you can see from this code. When you request a
file open operation a SFFileStream object is created and bound to the
file, then a SFStream object is created and bound to that SFFileStream
object. The library allows you skip these details in case of regular files, but
knowing about them will help you understand the concepts. The role of each of
these objects is: SFFileStream implements the standard IStream interface over a
regular file, the SFStream on the other hand works through this IStream
interface and is not particularly interested in the physical nature of the
The benefit of this abstract mechanism is that it can be applied to non-file
objects that behave like files. For example we can open a stream in an OLE
storage file and read it with exactly the same code:
Set sf = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFMain")
Set stg = sf.OpenStorageFile(Server.MapPath("mystorage.stg"),&H40)
Set file = stg.OpenStream("test.txt"),&H40)
lineNum = 1
While NOT file.EOS
line = file.ReadText(-1) ' this is equivalent to the ReadLine method in FSO
<%= lineNum %>: <B><%= Server.HTMLEncode(line) %></B><BR>
lineNum = lineNum + 1
Obviously the different nature of the OLE storages requires us to use another
path to the stream we are looking for - we need to open the OLE storage (OpenStorageFile)
and then open a stream from it (OpenStream) as like the storage is a
directory and the stream is a file. The rest of the code will be the same.
We can go even further - open a TCP connection and read it as text file:
Set nsMain = Server.CreateObject("")
Set addr = nsMain.GetHost("")
addr.Port = 8121 ' See the notes below
Set socket = nsMain.NewSocket
Set file = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFStream")
file.SetStream socket
lineNum = 1
While NOT file.EOS
line = file.ReadText(-1) ' this is equivalent to the ReadLine method in FSO
<%= lineNum %>: <B><%= Server.HTMLEncode(line) %></B><BR>
lineNum = lineNum + 1
Of course this code will make sense if the other side of the connection
writes continuously. In this kind of usage EOS will return True when the socket
is disconnected. The network connections are most often used for conversations -
i.e. we send something and then we read the response, then we are repeating the
cycle again. Still, the code used remains very similar to the code used with
files, it is even possible to simulate network connection behavior using a test
The only significant difference between the different kind of streams you can
use through the library components is the support for random positioning. For
instance a file stream can be positioned at any location - i.e. you can start
reading at N-th byte then move to the M-th byte and write something there. On
the other hand the network streams cannot be positioned and can be read/written
only sequentially. The term seekable is most often used to characterize
the streams that can be randomly accessed and non-seekable is used for
the streams that cannot. If a stream is seekable or not is most often obvious
from its nature - obviously the network connection does not represent a block of
persistent data while the files are stored in the file system and can be
addressed like memory blocks.
There are certain library features applicable only for seekable streams and
they wont work over non-seekable streams. A good example can be devised using
another feature of the library - the record based access to files:
' Assume dataStrm is an already opened stream - a file or something else
Set rec = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFRecord")
rec.AddField "Name", vbString, 31
rec.AddField "Age", vbLong
rec.AddField "Gender", vbBoolean
rec.BindTo dataStrm
rec.Filter.unicodeText = False
Dim recCount
recCount = rec.RecordCount
While Not dataStrm.EOS %>
Name: <B><%= rec("Name").Value %></B><BR>
Age: [<%= CLng(rec("Age").Value) %>]<BR>
<% If rec("gender").Value Then
Response.Write "Male"
Response.Write "Female"
This piece of code will work correctly over a file - i.e. if the dataStrm is
opened like in the samples above. Here we create a SFRecord object and
add a few fields in it. The AddField method automatically creates a SFField
object and initializes it, thus it is just a quick way to define a record
structure. The same can be done by creating SFField objects directly,
initializing them and adding them to the record, but it will require more code.
The BindTo method binds the SFRecord object to the stream. In
the documentation you will notice that this method has one more optional
parameter where a SFFilter object can be passed. However the BindTo
method automatically creates a SFFilter object if none is passed
explicitly. Most often you need to specify some general details about the data
format in the stream - others than the field types and sizes. In this case we
specify that the text values (i.e. the fields that contain strings - in this
sample this is the Name field) are NOT UNICODE. The role of the filter objects
is to stay between the SFRecord object you use and the stream itself. The
SFFilter drives the low level communication with the stream and caches the
records. It can be also used directly without a SFRecord by applications
requiring lower level access (You can see this done in the Executable file
information sample from samples installed by ALP).
When this is done we can ask the SFRecord to count the records in the
stream, then we can cycle through the stream and read the records one by one.
This technique allows us to define the structure of the records - in this sample
we assume that the stream contains records with 3 fields each: Name, Age and
Gender. The sizes of the Age and Gender fields is defined implicitly by their
types, but the size of the Name field must be specified (31 characters in our
sample). Further the interface looks very similar to a database recordset - we
use SFRecord's MoveNext method to move to the next record, and we can use
other Move methods to position randomly if this is needed - for instance rec.Move
10, 0 will position the SFRecord over the 10-th record in the stream.
Now lets return to the seekability. Note that nor RecordCount, nor MoveNext/MoveFirst
or Move can function without seekability. To count the records we need to know
the current size of the stream, to move randomly we must be able to position
randomly in it. The SFRecord, knowing the record structure just makes the
calculations for us and repositions the stream. Apparently this can be done over
a file or a stream from an OLE storage file or in a memory stream, but if we use
a network connection for example there is no way to know the size of data that
will be received, nor we can position over it. That is why some of the objects
in the library support alternative ways to read/write records. For instance
SFRecord has the Read and Write methods which will read/write the
record at the current position of the stream, but will not attempt any
repositioning. In case of a file this will mean that after reading a record you
are positioned over the next one, in case of a network connection the data in
the record is just sent. Therefore the above sample code can be changed this way
to work without requiring the stream to be seekable:
' Assume dataStrm is an already opened stream - a file or something else
Set rec = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFRecord")
rec.AddField "Name", vbString, 31
rec.AddField "Age", vbLong
rec.AddField "Gender", vbBoolean
rec.BindTo dataStrm
rec.Filter.unicodeText = False
Dim recCount
recCount = 0
While rec.Read %>
Name: <B><%= rec("Name").Value %></B><BR>
Age: [<%= CLng(rec("Age").Value) %>]<BR>
<% If rec("gender").Value Then
Response.Write "Male"
Response.Write "Female"
recCount = recCount + 1
As the Read method returns a Boolean result indicating success we can use it
instead of EOS (End Of Stream) property, but of course EOS can be used if we
prefer that. We can count the records only by incrementing the variable recCount
while we read them, but not before we read all the records from the stream,
because the size is not known if the stream is non-seekable.
The seekability concerns some other features as well. For example the ReadText
method we used in some samples above has an argument that specifies how many
characters to read. The negative numbers of -1, -2 and -3 have special meanings
instructing the method to determine their number over a rule. For instance -1
will read up to the end of a text line where the end of the text line is
recognized as a sequence of characters as specified in the SFStream's textLineSeparator
property, the -2 will read the entire stream, the -3 is much like -1
but it will recognize the end of the text line even if the line separator
characters are in unexpected order. For example in Windows the text lines end
with <CR><LF> characters, but if you read a text file is UNIX
formatted the text lines will end with <LF> character only. Thus the -3
value instructs the ReadText method to attempt all the permutations of the
characters specified in the textLineSeparator property.
However, this may require the ReadText method to re-position the stream after
determining the end of the line, so it would remain at the beginning of the next
line after the operation. Thus the -3 option of ReadText requires seekable
streams. These requirements are specified in the documentation and you must
notice them when you are going to work with non-seekable streams.
We used numeric literals in the samples above, but you can include the
constants definition and use friendly names instead of the numbers. While
ReadText has only 3 constants which if frequently used can be remembered, the
OpenFile/OpenStream flags are many and using the named constant definitions will
make the code much readable.
Many ASP developers know that there are tasks that require more time to
complete than an ASP page will permit. Even if the time is not too long you
always risk the user to decide that the application has failed and close it or
stop the navigation thus interrupting the work you want to finish. Sometimes it
is even worse - you may need to establish a code that will perform service tasks
scheduled by the application and there is no way to do so using a regular ASP
page. Even in non-WEB development environment (like VB for instance) such a task
will need to be performed in the background in order to keep the user interface
responsive and not block it completely while the task is in progress. This is
where the threads come handy. Lets take a look at a simple example:
1. The code in an ASP page that creates the thread:
If Not IsObject(Application("Thread1")) Then
Set Application("Thread1") = Server.CreateObject("")
End If
Set thread = Application("Thread1")
Message = ""
' Initialize the max number for user convenience
If Request("MaxNum") = "" Then
MaxNum = 30000
MaxNum = CLng(Request("MaxNum"))
End If
' Configure the thread's parameters
thread.Value("MaxNum") = CLng(Request("MaxNum"))
thread.Value("CurNum") = CLng(0)
thread.Value("Found") = CLng(0)
thread.Value("Results") = ""
Set sf = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFMain")
Set file = sf.OpenFile(Server.MapPath("threadscript.vbs"),&H40)
' Start the thread.
If Not thread.Start("VBScript",file.ReadText(-2)) Then
' An error has occured.
Message = "Error starting the thread: " & thread.LastError
Message = "Thread has been started."
End If
2. The code running in the thread (the threadscript.vbs file we load in the
code above).
Function IsPrime(n)
Dim j
For j = 2 To n / 2
If n Mod j = 0 Then
IsPrime = False
Exit Function
End If
IsPrime = True
End Function
For I = 0 To Context("MaxNum")
Context("CurNum") = CLng(I)
If IsPrime(I) Then
Context("Found") = Context("Found") + 1
If Context("Results") <> "" Then Context("Results") = Context("Results") & ", "
Context("Results") = Context("Results") & I
End If
3. And a code in an ASP page that examines the current thread progress or
result if it has finished.
Set thread = Application("Thread1")
<% If thread.Busy Then %>
<B>Still Running</B><BR>
Current number <B><%= thread.Value("CurNum") %></B><BR>
<% Else %>
<% If IsEmpty(thread.Value("MaxNum")) Then %>
<B>Has not been started yet.</B><BR>
<% Else %>
<% If thread.Success Then %>
<B>Finished Successfuly</B><BR>
<%= thread.Value("Results") %><BR>
<% Else %>
<B>Error occured</B><BR>
<B><%= thread.LastError %></B><BR>
<% End If %>
<% End If %>
<% End If %>
The thread in the sample code seeks for prime numbers in quite an ineffective
way in order to take more time and make the sample substantial.
The first important step done by the page that starts the thread (1) is to
create the COMScriptThread object or use an existing one if it is already
created. Special attention deserves the fact that the COMScriptThread
object is saved in an Application variable. Without this running a thread will
make no sense, because after the ASP page completes the contact with the thread
will be lost. Thus in the "real world" the application should do even
more if the thread object is already created - check if it is in use and if that
is so delay the new task for example, or may be create another COMScriptThread
object. We will skip these details here, but you can take a look at the Script
thread example in the samples set installed with ALP to see a more precise
The next important step are the parameters through which the ASP pages will
communicate with the thread. COMScriptThread supports a collection of variables
similar to the Application and Session in ASP. This collection is accessible for
the both ASP pages and the script that runs in the thread. The "outer
world" - the ASP pages access it using the Value property of the
COMScriptThread object. You can see the code 1 setting several named values
there. On the other side - in the script that runs in the thread the same
collection is visible through a global namespace Context -see the code
segment 2 above. The name is different but the values are the same - so the both
sides can exchange information, the ASP pages can pass parameters that will
alter the thread behavior etc. This collection is most often called Thread
context in the documentation and the examples. COMScriptThread uses another
object from the run-time library to implement it - the VarDictionary
object. Therefore the Value property and the Context namespace expose the same
VarDictionary object for the both parties. This implies that you can use over
that object the methods and properties listed in the VarDictionary
documentation. For instance you can obtain the count of the values in the
collection in the ASP page by using thread.Value.Count or on the other
side (in the thread) by using Context.Count.
By default the Thread context is configured to refuse objects. Thus by
default in result of an attempt to set an object in it you will receive an error
message, but passing objects as parameters is not impossible. To do so you must
change the Thread context behavior by setting thread.Value.extractValues =
False (see VarDictionary in NDL).
The HTTP server sample (installed by ALP) uses this feature because the ASP
controller page in the example wants to be able to interrupt the HTTP server by
closing its listening socket which is kept in the Thread context. The
default behavior prevents objects to be passed as parameters in order to help
avoid some human mistakes. It is not possible to pass any object as parameter to
a thread. The developer must be aware of the object capabilities and life time
before considering passing it as parameter. For example passing the ASP Request
object as parameter will be wrong, because it will be no longer functional after
the ASP page finishes its execution. This may be obvious, but there are other
cases in which it is not so obvious - consider passing an ADO recordset which is
closed later in the ASP page - this will be wrong again because the thread may
try to access it after that moment. Thus passing objects to the thread requires
you to know well how they behave, if they depend on the state of other objects,
if their life-time will be enough and so on. Thus the default behavior
guarantees that only basic values will be recorded in the Thread context
and no issues will occur. This is especially useful in JScript where no
equivalent of the VBScript's Set operator exists and one can pass an object in a
mistake. In this case the collection will assume that the developer meant to
pass a value and will attempt to extract it from the default property of the
object (if it supports such).
Finally in the code segment 3 above we are inspecting the thread's state and
display it. We can check if the thread is still busy (see the Busy
property) performing the task or is idle. If it is not doing anything and
we are sure we have started it it is logical to check if an error has occurred
in it and display it - see the lastError and the Success properties..
The applications can do more with the threads. Some of the typical usages
are: Passing a database connection to delegate to a thread a long lasting data
mining operation; Creating a set of threads (thread pool) to implement efficient
server software; Performing network operations such as fetching/sending e-mail
in the background while the user reads the already received messages using the
other ASP pages in the application; Implementing application automation tasks
such as generating, importing/exporting from/to office documents and so on.
Generally any task that requires none or only occasional user attention before
it is finished fits best in a thread. The ALP applications thus are able to
implement user interface which will never get stuck while the application is
busy performing the requested operations - which is one of the most unnerving
issues for the most users.
Quick look at other run-time library features
StringUtilities object (newobjects.utilctls.StringUtilities)
provides string formatting functionality which will be familiar for all the
developers who know about the printf/sprintf functions in the C standard
libraries. In ASP and other scripting environment it is something one often
misses and the library fills this gap. However, there are additional
opportunities to a such implementation in a COM environment such as ASP pages
and the StringUtilties object implements many extensions to the format
specification known from C preserving the backward compatibility. For example
there are the %q and %Q escapes which will format a value to
string escaping the quotes in it so that it can be placed directly in an SQL
statement. The StingUtilities' SCprinf and SAprintf methods in contrast to the
Sprintf method do not use variable arguments count. Instead they are fetching
the arguments from a collection object or from an array. This allows also an
extension that allows you refer to the arguments non-sequentially but by name or
index in collection/array. The object also supports custom date/time formatting
which can be controlled directly by the application no matter if the operating
system has the locale specific files installed. The automatic formatting allows
you specify %a escapes which will try to format the argument to one of
the several formats you specify in a separate property, thus giving you
opportunity to gain more flexibility with arguments that may hold different
value types. There is also support for NULL values which is also handy for SQL
VarDictionary and UtilStringList
are universal collection objects. VarDictionary deserves more attention - it can
be compared to the Scripting.Dictionary you may know from the your experience.
Still this object is more advanced and supports features that allow effective
code to be created for more complex data structures. For instance if you put
VarDictionary objects as values in another VarDictionary object you can
construct a tree in the memory. As it grows larger you will feel the need of a
feature that will allow you search through it in depth. VarDictionary offers
methods like FindByValue, FindByName and FindByInfo. They
perform a serch in depth and return set of references to the "nodes"
that match the criteria. Such a feature allows you use VarDictionary to create
structures that offer features similar to the XML object model and often they
will be simpler to use than XML. VarDictionary also offers a Clone method
that allows you clone the object with its contents (even if it is a tree as
described above), the behavior properties extractValues, itemsAssignmentAllowed,
readOnly and so on allow you adjust the object behavior to match
your particular needs or prevent wrong usage in other parts of the application.
The Info, Missing and Root properties allow metadata to be
attached and further behavior refining - for example the Missing property
specifies what will be returned when the application attempts to read a
non-existent value.
Thus the features of the VarDictionary object make it convenient for various
purposes. Many other library objects use it internally, some of them return it
through some of their properties or methods. This allows unification of the data
obtained from different objects using the common VarDictionary features. Knowing
this may save you some coding efforts in many places by giving you the
opportunity to transfer or otherwise organize the data. Object that use
VarDictionary: ConfigFile, SFStorage, SFMain, COMScriptThread,
ScriptManager, VaryDisp, SQLiteCOM and so on.
SQLite COM. This object with little help
of the VarDictionary object implements alone a fully functional SQL database
engine. It is based on the SQLite free
source code, but also adds some features convenient in Windows environment. The
database engine and the interface to it are both in this single object, it does
not use ADO, OLEDB or MS Jet (the MS Access' database engine) and is thus
independent of what you have installed on your machine. It uses non-recordset
based database interface which will look familiar and convenient to the ADO
developers who like the usage of ADO Recordset's GetRows method. Still, SQLite
COM interface is something between a recordset and array caring the features
that require less code to implement database functionality. A typical database
operation with SQLite COM requires up to 2 times less code than the same
operation performed with ADO, the number of methods and properties you need to
learn is very low (about 10 from which only 3-4 are frequently used).
The actual benefit of using SQLite COM is obvious if you consider the fact
that it uses single file to store all the database objects, the database
file format is device independent (it can be copied to a Pocket PC and used
there without need of conversion), there is no need of external configuration,
nor need to perform any preliminary steps prior to using the database - it can
even run in pure autorun scenarios where the component is not installed.
Therefore besides the obvious applications such as programs that aim to ultimate
compatibility, autoruns that must run directly from a removable media there are
other applications for SQLite COM. For example consider an application that
works mainly in your organization's infrastructure, it uses access to internal
database servers, office applications and other specific software. Sometimes a
need may arise to create an application that must work with some data extracted
from the local database servers and applications, but it must work separately on
machines not connected to your network. Another application is the case in which
you may need to export information extracted from such an environment to a file
and use/transfer it to another office or organization. You can maintain a file
or set of files, but this will require you to write additional code to support
their structure - very often one dreams for a database interface to such
temporary or permanent export files - SQLite COM databases are stored in single
file binary compatible with all the platforms so you do not need to go for more
complicated solutions if a database interface fits your needs.