12 (0xC) Resource not found
The file pointed by the URL cannot be found.
Probable causes
See also error 6. This error is very similar to the HTTP 404 error, but note
that this error will be issued if only the file name portion of the URL is not
found - if the URL points to a directory that exists but the file specified in
the URL is not there. If the path portion of the URL is also wrong (i.e. does
not exist) error 6 will occur instead.
ALP 1.2 and later handles this event and you are allowed to specify error
handler page. However notice that in contrast to WEB servers you can handle only
"File not found" errors concerning the file portion of the URL. This
is so because ALP "sees" the computer's file system as a set of
Virtual ALP sites designated by the alp.site files found in some directories.
Therefore a wrong path portion of an URL makes the Virtual ALP site detection
not always possible and thus ALP cannot determine in which Virtual ALP site to
seek for error handler. To avoid problems caused by wrong site context the
custom error handling is limited to the file portion of the ALP URL.